It's Autumn!

Who's excited for the leaves to fall, that sharp cold smell in the air, the cosy nights in and the wonderful HOT CHOCOLATE? I definitely am and I have started already

Autumn is one of my favourite seasons because that's when I can wear my fluffy jumpers, drink hot chocolate and marshmallows, and obviously dress up for Halloween! Who wouldn't be excited for that? I just love the dressing up in autumn colours and wearing boots and shopping for hats gloves and scarfs ready for bomb fire night and of course Winter!

Also don't forget the candle lit nights with a good autumn Yankee or what ever you prefer, I just adore the fragrances especially Ebony & Oak, it's beautiful! This year is my first time in my own place for Autumn and Winter so I am so excited to buy cute autumnal and winter stuff for my flat! I really want to get autumn leaf lights for my study/makeup room and I want to buy lots of autumnal stuff from Primark which I am super excited about. Have you seen there jumpers this year? They are so cute, I cant wait to buy some!

Now that Halloween is just around the corner who's got their costume idea already because I haven't. Every year it takes me a while to figure out what I want to be. Last year me and Ian where skeletons which was a last minute decision but we want to do something better this year. By the way I love Halloween makeup so I start practising in September ready for Halloween. So keep an eye out for my posts on Instagram. Also not forgetting the tradition to watch Hocus Pocus every year, this is like my all time favourite Disney Halloween film, I always watch it around about this time of year! 

Last of all bonfire night. I love fireworks, they are so pretty and colourful and they make it feel super close to Christmas! Which I can not express how excited I am for Christmas this year because I can decorate my flat exactly how I want it. Ahhh I'm excited already! This picture was taken last year at Ian's sisters Halloween/ Bonfire night party and this was one of the last big fireworks to be set off. Its not the best quality but it was taken with my old iPhone 5.  

So as you can tell Autumn is one of my favourite seasons. I start my second year of university soon so it's back to early mornings in the dark and finishing late... in the dark, so that's one thing I am going to have to get back into routine with (because I like my lye ins). I feel like the beginning of the year and the end of the year are more productive than Summer because we have so much events during Spring, Autumn and Winter but Summer us in the UK don't have anything to celebrate. This is another reason why I like these months, they stop me from feeling bored. I am so much more productive around these times.

Anyway that's my blog for today, I hope you enjoyed the reasons why I like this time of the year and I will see you all on my next blog!

Thank you for all of your Support!

Love Chelsey x 


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